Sunday, August 24, 2008


Positive post...

I still can't think of anything substantive to write about, so what I'm going to do is write up two posts, one positive (and probably shorter), the other negative. I'm sure you'll get the idea.

  1. This one kind of turned into a negative, didn't it?
  2. Speaking of Christian Bale, go rent Werner Herzog's Rescue Dawn. Oh, and the documentary it was based on, Little Dieter Needs to Fly.
  3. Actually, you probably are, since the only person who reads this terrible blog is me, and I'm obviously watching.
  4. Probably starring John Cusack. What a douche he turned into. Hey asshole, leave your irritating political viewpoints to yourself and make another funny movie. But what can we expect from a fucking Cubs fan?
  5. Which, despite what Andy may believe, is the greatest show of all time.
  6. Lack of attention to continuity is one of my biggest TV pet peeves. More on this in the negative post.
  7. This is where you go to the negative post. I'm not done with it yet, and I'm not really done with this one yet. I may add to it, but I have to get ready for work now. (Quit complaining, this shit is free. Oh, and terrible.)

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Great Post. The Wire does suck though.
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