Monday, May 30, 2005



I just noticed that the Eric Milton HR watch is now at 20. 20!


Random Memorial Day thoughts...

That was a long post. Perhaps I should go back to posting funny animal pictures, or putting up links to shit I'm selling on eBay like Ryan does.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005


I finally win one...

Danny Graves: DFA'd

Word is, Carl Lindner came down from on high and ordered this done after Danny flipped off someone in the expensive seats behind the dugout. If so, that's a Vince McMahon-level ruthless move...he's saying, "I hate you so much, I want you out of here even if it's going to cost me $5 million."

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Pre-trip notes...

My brother and I are going to DFW for a long weekend starting Friday. (It's my cousin Stephen's graduation, in case anyone cares, which they do, since I care and I am the only one who reads this blog.) A few random notes:


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