Monday, November 27, 2006


Rando McPost...

1: Speaking of that how the hell does USC have the talent base that they have? They're a good private school, so I would assume they have great admissions standards (which is why Notre Dame, a school I probably couldn't get into (not that I tried), can't get the great recruiting classes of yore). I mean, they are in LA and have an incredibly hot coed fanbase, but something else is going on there...or else Pete Carroll is the greatest recruiter of all time.
2: See also Kirby Puckett.
3: *giggle*...taint...*belly laugh*

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Reds have a new pitching coach...

For a dude as sophisticated as I am, I sure do love juvenile humor, specifically funny-sounding names or words. "Tea bag" and "tossed salad", no matter the context, crack me up. "Pianist" made me laugh for a good 15 minutes the other day. So I couldn't have been more pleased at this headline:

Dick Pole named Reds pitching coach



Wednesday, November 01, 2006



Dear Ryan,

Just because you may have used a piece of punctuation in a blog post doesn't mean you have a gimmick. Lots of wrestlers used the leg drop before Hulk Hogan. HOWEVER I don't think it's a coincidence that once ... started up, this happened:

There's a bit of a pattern there, don't you think? (Besides you ripping off Friends' gimmick, I mean.) 9/11 conspiracy theorists have more evidence than this.

Your pal,
Thomas E. Greaves, esq.


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