Monday, October 02, 2006


Television + random + procrastination = blog

1: Besides, the late, lamented, dearly beloved Undeclared.
2: By this I mean in terms of it is actually possible that this show is good.
3: See also: Garden State. (I'll handle Zach Braff later.)
4: Think Roseanne, Seinfeld, The Simpsons, etc. for the former, Soap, Barney Miller, Taxi, etc.
5: It is one of two movies that represent everything I hate. Also, I'm sure it's real easy to get over serious depression when you're boning Natalie Portman. The rest of us aren't so lucky.
6: This isn't my theory entirely, but I think one reason he made that movie was to try to show how cool he really is. He's portrayed on Scrubs as so aggressively dorky, I'm sure he got sick of it.
7: I hear there are other ways of getting various shows digitally (i.e., BitTorrent). If anyone can get it for me, or tell me how, that would be nice.
8: And that Amy has one on Andy.
9: To The Andy Griffith Show, of course.


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