Saturday, January 01, 2005
Festive season update...
Random shit that happened since my last update...
- Played the nice guy and picked two of my cousins up at CVG. Had a really great time -- went to the three things we do when they first get into town: Party Source, Skyline, Graeter's.
- Went to two football games -- and I hate football. Froze my ass off both times.
- It snowed on Wednesday/Thursday of X-mas week. Like, hard -- 6-8" in town, my dad had over a foot -- then ice on top of that.
- I went out during said snow storm -- to my grandma's for supper -- then back to my apartment later that night. This was incredibly stupid. (The driving part, not the supper-at-my-grandma's part)
- It continued snowing/icing after I returned and snowed/iced my car into its parking spot for several days.
- Got incredibly drunk on red wine at my Aunt's annual X-mas party on the 23rd.
- Had to get my brother to help me dig my car out.
- They replaced the boiler in my apartment building on Mon-Wed. of last week, so I got to stay in the lovely exotic resort of...the Norwood Motel 6.
- Saw The Aviator by myself at the mall theatre. That was the first and last time I went to the mall theatre. (The movie was good, not great. Leonardo Di Caprio played Howard Hughes, and was good enough.)
- The Reds signed Eric Milton for $25m. $25m! Eric Milton! They finally shell out some cash for a player and it's Eric fucking Milton.
- Eric fucking Milton gets $25m and I'm sitting in a shitty apartment with a shitty job and a shitty car writing this shitty blog update. Fuck!
- Seriously, Ryan would have been a better investment -- he can't pitch either, but at least he could help out the IT department on his off days.
- The Reds also signed Joe Randa to play 3rd base. I'm less upset about this, if only because Joe Randa has a comically large head (as do I).
- Went to my Aunt's on New Year's Eve.
- Read James Ellroy's L.A. Confidential. It may be the best book I've ever read. Seriously.