Thursday, September 30, 2004


(finally) good Reds news, pt. 1...

Reds 2, Cubs 1

Somehow, the Reds took 3 of 4 from the Cubs this week, just about killing their chances for a wild card berth.

My hatred for the Cubs can be traced to one thing: attending Reds v. Cubs games in Cincinnati. A sea of annoying frat guys in blue Cubs gear descends on the GAB, filling the ballpark but turning half the stadium into Wrigley south. There is usually a fight. Occaisonally the blue half will chant, "Let's go Cubbies (clap, clap, clapclapclap)", to which the red side responds, "1908 (clap, clap, clapclapclap). It wasn't so bad when the Cubs sucked, which was forever until 1998, but now it is unbearable.

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