Thursday, April 27, 2006


Wes Anderson Amex Ad...

...Stephen and I were thoroughly confused and delighted when we saw the new Wes Anderson-directed American Express ad. It's like a mini-film:


Thursday, April 20, 2006



Today is the 13th anniversary of the ATF/FBI's massacre at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX. The documentary Waco: The Rules of Engagement lays out our government's multiple crimes, from the bogus search warrant, the unnecessary television-orchestrated paramilitary raid on the compound, the FBI's bungled attempts at negotiation, the final assault, burning, and murder of those inside, and the bipartisan cover-up. No government agent was ever brought up on charges; all the surviving Davidians were acquitted of murder and attempted murder. This makes me sick and ashamed to be an American.


Saturday, April 15, 2006


List of cities I would move to, pt. 2...

There were a couple missing from the first list, as well as no international cities.

Burlington, VT
Omaha, NE
Anchorage, AK
Juneau, AK
Honolulu, HI
Toronto, ON
Montreal, QC
Quebec, QC
Canary Islands, Spain
Madeira, Portugal
Azores, Portugal
Porto, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal
Madrid, Spain
Seville, Spain
La Coruna, Spain
anywhere in Basque Country, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Valencia, Spain
Baleric Islands, Spain
Bourdeax area, France
Brittany area, France
Normandy area, France
French Riviera
Burgundy area, France
Ireland (anywhere)
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Isle of Man, UK
Glasgow, Scotland
Edinburgh, Scotland
Wales (anywhere)
England (anywhere)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Bavaria, Germany (anywhere)
Frankfurt, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Prague, Czech Republic
Bratislava, Slovakia
Austria (anywhere)
Zurich, Switzerland
Bern, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
French Alps area
Italy (anywhere)
Lubljana, Slovenia
Budapest, Hungary
Warsaw, Poland
Vilnius, Lithuania
Riga, Latvia
Tallinn, Estonia
Helsinki, Finland
Stockholm, Sweden
Copenhagen, Denmark
Oslo, Norway
Reykjavik, Iceland
Kiev, Ukraine
Hong Kong
Taipei, Taiwan
Tokyo, Japan
Brisbane, Australia
Sydney, Australia
Canberra, Australia
Melbourne, Australia
New Zealand (anywhere)
Turks and Caicos
San Juan, PR
US Virgin Islands
UK Virgin Islands
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Montevideo, Uruguay
Santiago, Chile


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